According to the Supreme Court, the defendant is protected by which constitutional amendment(s) during the plea bargaining process?

A. Fourth
B. Sixth
C. Eighth
D. None of the above

is it B

2. Which of the following is NOT an argument in support of plea bargaining?
A. Allows the prosecution to “overcharge”
B. Allows defense to dispose of cases quickly
C. Saves judicial resources
D. Allows prosecution to deal with case backlog

is it A

To get the answer to the first question, we need to understand the constitutional amendments that protect the defendant during the plea bargaining process. One way to do this is to research Supreme Court cases related to plea bargaining. By reviewing Supreme Court rulings, we can determine which constitutional amendments are involved in protecting the defendant during plea bargaining.

For the second question, we need to identify which argument is NOT in support of plea bargaining. To answer this question, we can analyze each option and determine if it supports or opposes plea bargaining.

Now, let's find the correct answers to the questions:

1. To determine which constitutional amendments protect the defendant during the plea bargaining process, we can examine Supreme Court cases. In particular, the Sixth Amendment is relevant here. It guarantees several rights for defendants, including the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to legal representation, among others. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Sixth Amendment.

2. To identify the argument that is NOT in support of plea bargaining, we should analyze each option:

A. Allows the prosecution to "overcharge": This argument supports plea bargaining, as it allows the prosecution to offer reduced charges in exchange for a guilty plea.

B. Allows the defense to dispose of cases quickly: This argument supports plea bargaining. By accepting a plea deal, the defense can resolve the case more efficiently.

C. Saves judicial resources: This argument supports plea bargaining, as it helps reduce the number of cases going to trial and hence saves time and resources for the court.

D. Allows the prosecution to deal with case backlog: This argument also supports plea bargaining, as it assists prosecutors in efficiently resolving cases.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Allows the prosecution to "overcharge."