5.7 + 33/100 + 61/1000 =

5.7 + 0.33 + 0.061 =



To calculate the sum of the given numbers, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert all the numbers into the same denominator.
Step 2: Add the whole numbers and fractions separately.
Step 3: Simplify if needed.

Let's proceed with the calculation:

Step 1: Convert all numbers to the same denominator, which is 1000.

5.7 = 5.7 * 1000 / 1000 = 5700 / 1000
33/100 = 33 * 10 / 1000 = 330/1000
61/1000 = 61 / 1000

Now all the numbers have the same denominator (1000).

Step 2: Add the whole numbers and fractions separately.

5700/1000 + 330/1000 + 61/1000 = (5700 + 330 + 61) / 1000

5700 + 330 + 61 = 6091

Therefore, the numerator is 6091.

Dividing the numerator by the denominator: 6091 / 1000 = 6.091

Step 3: Simplify if needed.

In this case, the answer is already in decimal form and does not need further simplification.

So, the sum of 5.7 + 33/100 + 61/1000 is equal to 6.091.