Can any of check my answers on these three analogies? That would be great!

1. bear: den::
A. person : home
B. locomotive: train::
C. wolf : lair
D. fish : school
I think it would be B :) correct me if I'm wrong

2. locomotive : train::
A. motor : auto
B. tide : waves
C. boy : pull toy
D. horse : boy
Is it B??

3. eye :wink ::
A. hand : gesture
B. skin : epidermis
C. thigh : leg
D. foot : walk
Is it D?

1. C

2. A
3. A
these should be correct.

I'm pretty sure 2 is C because the locomotive pulls the train and the boy pulls the pull toy

Let's check your answers for these analogies.

For the first analogy, "bear: den," you chose option B. However, the correct answer is option A, "person: home." Analogies compare the relationship between words, and in this case, a bear's den is its home, just like a person's home is where they reside.

For the second analogy, "locomotive: train," you chose option B, "tide: waves." The correct answer is option C, "boy: pull toy." A locomotive is a type of train, and a boy is someone who can operate a pull toy.

For the third analogy, "eye: wink," you chose option D, "foot: walk." The correct answer is option A, "hand: gesture." The relationship in this analogy is that winking is a specific type of gesture made by the eye, just like other gestures made by the hand.

To improve at solving analogies, it's important to carefully analyze the relationship between the given words. Looking for similarities, comparisons, or cause-and-effect relationships can help determine the correct answer. Practice identifying different types of analogies, such as synonyms, antonyms, part-to-whole, or object-function relationships, to enhance your understanding and accuracy in solving them.