Ms.Sue would you mind checking my work?

Paulo has $145 his saving account. He earns $36 a week mowing lawns. If Paulo saves all of his earnings, after how many weeks will he have $433 saved?
My answer~ 8 weeks


:) Thank you! Math is subject I get really nervous in,I don't know why. >.<

You're welcome.

Sure, I can check your work. To find out how many weeks it will take for Paulo to save $433, we need to divide the total amount he needs to save by the amount he saves each week.

In this case, Paulo has $145 in his savings account and earns an additional $36 each week. To find out how many weeks it will take for him to save $433, we can subtract his initial savings from the target savings and then divide the result by his weekly earnings:

$433 - $145 = $288

$288 / $36 = 8 weeks

So, it seems like your answer of 8 weeks is correct! Paulo will have $433 saved after 8 weeks. Well done!