A group of friends share a bill for £13.69 equally between them.

how many were in the group?

How I found out :


To find out how many people were in the group, divide the total bill by the amount paid per person.

Total bill: £13.69
Amount paid per person: £1

Dividing the total bill (£13.69) by the amount paid per person (£1) gives us:

£13.69 ÷ £1 = 13.69

Therefore, there were 13 people in the group.

To find out how many friends were in the group, we can start by dividing the total bill (£13.69) by the amount each friend contributes. Since they share the bill equally, the total bill will be divided by the amount each friend pays.

Let's assume that there are x friends in the group. According to the information provided, each friend contributes an equal amount, so the equation can be set up as:

£13.69 / x = amount per friend

Now, we need to determine the amount per friend. Since the amount contributed by each friend is the same, we can solve for x by finding a factor of £13.69 that would make the equation possible.

In this case, there is no whole number factor of £13.69 that divides evenly, so we need to consider fractions or decimals. Let's try some options:

£13.69 / 2 = £6.845 per friend
£13.69 / 3 = £4.563333333333... per friend
£13.69 / 4 = £3.4225 per friend

As we can see, dividing £13.69 by any whole number less than 4 results in an uneven amount per friend. Therefore, assuming the friends shared the bill equally without fractioning the amount, we can conclude that the number of friends in the group is 4.

1369 = 37 * 37

37 is a prime number
37 people paid .37 each