Identify/ name at least 1 biological science problem and prepare a procedure on how to solve such problem then recommend solution.

What problem do you want to identify?

Any problem its up to you .

how photosynthesis affects to plants

Identify/ name at least 1 biological science problem and prepare a procedure on how to solve such problem then recommend solution.

Biological science encompasses a wide range of disciplines, each with its own unique set of problems to solve. One example of a biological science problem is studying the impact of pesticides on honeybee populations. To solve this problem, you can follow the procedure outlined below:

1. Define the research question: Determine the specific aspect of the impact of pesticides on honeybees that you want to study. For example, you might be interested in investigating how exposure to different types or concentrations of pesticides affects honeybee mortality.

2. Design an experiment: Develop a well-designed experimental protocol to collect relevant data. This could involve setting up a controlled environment with multiple groups of honeybees exposed to different concentrations of pesticides, along with a control group that is not exposed.

3. Data collection: Precisely measure and record the data, including factors such as honeybee mortality rates, hive conditions, pesticide exposure levels, and any other relevant variables. Ensure that the data collection methods are consistent and accurate.

4. Statistical analysis: Analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical methods. This can involve comparing the mortality rates of different honeybee groups, evaluating trends, and determining statistical significance.

5. Draw conclusions: Interpret the results of the analysis and draw conclusions relevant to the research question. For example, you might find that higher pesticide concentrations lead to increased honeybee mortality.

6. Recommendations: Based on your conclusions, propose possible solutions or recommendations to address the issue. For instance, you may recommend reducing the use of certain pesticides or implementing alternative pest control methods that have a lesser impact on honeybee populations.

It's worth noting that addressing complex biological science problems often requires collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, the proposed solutions or recommendations should be further tested and evaluated through additional research and field trials to ensure their effectiveness and feasibility.