1. The right to a grand jury can be found in which Constitutional amendment?

A. Fourth
B. Fifth
C. Sixth
D. Fourteenth

is it B

2. Which of the following is a method of pretrial release where the defendant promises to show up when required, without having to pay money?
A. Bail
B. Preventive detention
C. Release on own recognizance
D. Absentee trial

im confused between A and C

1. B.

2. Check the definitions of these terms.

1. To determine the correct answer to the first question about the right to a grand jury, we can break down the options and search for the specific constitutional amendment that mentions this right.

A. Fourth Amendment: The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures and typically does not include the right to a grand jury.

B. Fifth Amendment: The Fifth Amendment includes the right to a grand jury for federal criminal offenses. Therefore, this option is a correct answer for the question.

C. Sixth Amendment: The Sixth Amendment includes the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to an attorney. It does not explicitly mention a grand jury.

D. Fourteenth Amendment: The Fourteenth Amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law, but it does not specifically mention a grand jury.

Therefore, the correct answer to the first question is B. Fifth Amendment.

2. To correctly answer the second question regarding the method of pretrial release without having to pay, we can analyze and compare the options:

A. Bail: Bail is a sum of money that the defendant pays as a guarantee for their appearance in court. Therefore, it involves paying money and is not the answer for this question.

B. Preventive detention: Preventive detention is a method of pretrial release where the defendant is held in custody without the possibility of being released on bail due to factors such as flight risk or danger to the community. This option does not correspond to the scenario described.

C. Release on own recognizance: Release on own recognizance (ROR) is a method of pretrial release where the defendant promises to appear in court without having to pay money. This means they are released without financial obligation, solely based on their promise to show up as required. Therefore, this option is the correct answer to the question.

D. Absentee trial: This option does not correspond to the described scenario and is not related to pretrial release methods.

Therefore, the correct answer to the second question is C. Release on own recognizance.