If you want to know which of two activities a friend prefers doing, you ask _____.

A. ¿Y a ti?

B. ¿Te gusta?

C. ¿Qué te gusta más?

D. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

I think its C or D??

yes C

yoooo 2020 and this still a question lol

I say C.

To determine which of two activities your friend prefers doing, you can ask either option C or option D.

Option C: "¿Qué te gusta más?" translates to "Which do you like more?" This question directly asks your friend to choose between the two activities and express their preference.

Option D: "¿Qué te gusta hacer?" translates to "What do you like to do?" While this question does not specifically mention the two activities, your friend can still mention their preference if they choose to.

Both options C and D can lead to finding out your friend's preference between the two activities.