If 70% of the students at a school sign up for exercise Day, a sporting goods store will give the school 10% off on all purchases.There are 378 students in the school. What is the least number of students who must sign up for the school to make its goal?

0.7 * 378 = ?

To determine the least number of students that must sign up for the school to reach its goal, we need to consider the conditions of the offer.

According to the given information, if 70% of the students sign up for Exercise Day, the school will receive a discount of 10% on all purchases from the sporting goods store.

Let's determine the number of students required to meet the goal:

1. Calculate 70% of the total number of students in the school:
70% of 378 = (70/100) * 378 = 264.6 (rounded to the nearest whole number) ≈ 265 students

This means that at least 265 students need to sign up for Exercise Day for the school to be eligible for the discount.