Brain teaser Web Site Hits

Day. Number of hits
Tuesday: 40
Wednesday: 32
Thursday: 24
Friday: 80


1/ how many pictures did you draw for Monday ? Why that many ?

answer ; 9
72 divide 8=9

2/ Rosa drew 4 pictures for thursday on her pictograph because 24 divide 6=4.
What mistake did Rosa make?
3 pictures
(24 divide 8= 3

3/ On saturday, Brain Teaser's Web Site got twice as many hits as on wednesday. How would you show that number of hits on the pictograph? Explain.
64 divide 8= 8

4/ Suppose each hits on the pictograph stood for 4 hits . How would the number of pictures you drew for each day change?

4 pictures

5/ If there were 83 hits on Friday (instead of 80) how many hits would be on the pictograph ? Explain .
Don't know..

6/ If Brain Teaser's Web Site received half as many hits in the following week , how would the pictograph change?

Don't know

To answer the remaining questions, we need to use the given information and do some calculations:

5/ If there were 83 hits on Friday (instead of 80) how many hits would be on the pictograph? Explain.

To find out how many hits would be on the pictograph, we need to divide the total number of hits by the number of hits represented by each picture. Since each picture represents 8 hits, we divide 83 by 8:

Number of hits on the pictograph = 83 / 8

6/ If Brain Teaser's Web Site received half as many hits in the following week, how would the pictograph change?

To find out how the pictograph would change, we need to cut the number of hits in half. This means we need to divide the number of hits on each day by 2:

New number of hits on Monday = 72 / 2
New number of hits on Tuesday = 40 / 2
New number of hits on Wednesday = 32 / 2
New number of hits on Thursday = 24 / 2
New number of hits on Friday = 80 / 2

Now, we can find the number of pictures for each day by dividing the new number of hits by the number of hits represented by each picture. Since each picture represents 8 hits, we divide the new number of hits by 8 for each day.

I hope this helps!

5) If there were 83 hits on Friday (instead of 80), the number of hits on the pictograph would not change as the question does not specify any changes in the pictograph representation.

6) If Brain Teaser's Web Site received half as many hits in the following week, the pictograph would change by reducing the number of hits represented by each picture. For example, if each picture originally represented 8 hits, it would now represent 4 hits. The number of pictures drawn for each day would remain the same, but the value represented by each picture would change.