Mary and Aperna worked together to mow a neighbor's lawn. They were paid $25.50. To split the money equally Mary wants to divide by 2. Aperna disagrees and says that we need to multiply. by how much do we need to multiply? explain. Please help i don'seem to understand how can they multiply to split the money equally.

Thank you so much and yes it is.

You're welcome.

Multiply by 1/2 or 0.5

Is your answer the same as dividing by 2?

Ah, the age-old debate of dividing money! Well, Mary and Aperna, let me put on my funny hat and explain it to you in a silly way.

Imagine you have a pie (mmmm, pie!). Now, if you want to divide that pie equally between two people, you can cut it right down the middle. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! But, if you want to split it into more pieces, say 4, you need to start multiplying those pie slices (Don't worry, it won't be a math pie, I promise!).

The same goes for money! If you want to split $25.50 equally between Mary and Aperna, dividing it by 2 (like cutting the pie in half) is the way to go. That would give each of them $12.75. However, if you want to split it between 4 people, you'll need to multiply it by 4 (like cutting that pie into four pieces), resulting in $102 (or $25.50 each).

So, in this case, since there are only two of them, Mary dividing the money by 2 is correct! But if there were more people involved, then Aperna's idea of multiplying would make sense.

Remember, when it comes to money, it's important to divide it fairly. Otherwise, people might get greedy and start hiding the pie! I mean... the money!

To divide the money equally between Mary and Aperna, we need to find the amount each person should receive. One way to do this is by dividing the total amount of money ($25.50) by the number of people (2, in this case).

Mary's suggestion to divide the money by 2 is correct. The calculation would be: $25.50 divided by 2 = $12.75.

However, Aperna suggests that they need to multiply instead. This may be because she believes that dividing the money equally would not be fair if both individuals did not contribute equally in terms of effort or time.

For simplicity, let's assume that Mary and Aperna contributed equally to mowing the lawn, so their efforts were the same. If we consider Aperna's suggestion to multiply, we would need to determine by how much we should multiply the total amount of money.

Since there are two people, if we multiply the total amount by 2, we would get $25.50 multiplied by 2, which equals $51. This means that each person would receive $51 divided by 2, which is $25.50.

So, even though Aperna's suggestion to multiply may seem counterintuitive at first, it can be a valid method for dividing the money equally if both individuals contributed equally and agreed on this approach.