Which of the following organisms only has behavioral controls available to maintain its body temperature?

gray wolf


polar bear

tree frog

There are a variety of animals , but from your list the answer is Polar Bear

Well, before I answer that, let me just say that these organisms should definitely consider investing in some thermoregulatory fashion accessories. Now, out of the options provided, the organism that can only rely on behaving in a certain way to maintain its body temperature is the tree frog. I mean, they can't just throw on a cozy sweater like the rest of us! It's all about finding the right spot in their environment to soak up the warmth or coolness. They really have to work with what they've got, bless their little amphibian hearts!

Out of the organisms mentioned, the tree frog only has behavioral controls available to maintain its body temperature. Unlike gray wolves, hummingbirds, and polar bears, tree frogs are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. They often adjust their behavior, such as moving to warmer or cooler areas, to maintain the desired body temperature.

To determine which of the listed organisms only has behavioral controls available to maintain its body temperature, we need to understand their physiological adaptations for temperature regulation.

The gray wolf, polar bear, and hummingbird possess both physiological and behavioral means to regulate their body temperature.

The gray wolf has physiological adaptations such as a thick fur coat, insulating fat layers, and the ability to reduce blood flow to the extremities in cold weather. It also exhibits behavioral controls, such as seeking shelter or huddling together with other pack members for warmth.

The polar bear has a thick layer of insulating fat, which helps retain body heat in cold temperatures. Additionally, it has dense fur, and its black skin absorbs sunlight, aiding in thermoregulation. Polar bears can also enter dens or rest on sea ice to conserve heat. These are physiological adaptations combined with behavioral controls.

The hummingbird has physiological adaptations, such as a high metabolic rate and the ability to enter a state of torpor to conserve energy when temperatures drop at night. It also displays behavioral controls, such as seeking shade or basking in the sun to regulate body temperature.

Therefore, the tree frog is the organism on the list that relies solely on behavioral controls to maintain its body temperature. Tree frogs are ectothermic, meaning they derive their body heat mainly from external sources. They regulate their temperature by moving to suitable microhabitats with optimal temperatures and by changing their postures to maximize or minimize sun exposure.