it takes jupiter 12 years to orbit the sun. how many days does it take jupiter to orbit the sun?. add 3 days for leap years

(365 * 12) + 3 = ?


that super easy just do 12*365+3=4383

To determine how many days it takes Jupiter to orbit the Sun, we will first calculate the number of regular years and leap years in a Jupiter orbit period of 12 years.

To find the number of regular years, subtract the number of leap years from the total number of years. Since leap years occur every 4 years, we divide the total number of years by 4 to get the number of leap years: 12 / 4 = 3 leap years.

Therefore, the number of regular years is: 12 - 3 = 9 regular years.

Each regular year consists of 365 days, and each leap year consists of 366 days (adding an extra day in February).

Calculating the total number of days:

Number of days = (Number of regular years * 365 days) + (Number of leap years * 366 days)

Substituting in the values:

Number of days = (9 * 365) + (3 * 366)
= 3285 + 1098
= 4383 days

So, it takes Jupiter approximately 4383 days (without leap years) to orbit the Sun.