Pseudocode -

Create the logic for a program that continuously prompts a user for a numeric value until the user enters 0. The application passes the value in turn to a method that squares the number and to a method that cubes the number. The program displays the results before reprompting the user. Create the two methods that square and cube a number passed to them and then return the calculated value.

I t is hard to do a flow chart so I will invent a generic coding language

1 write "input a number
read n
if n = 0 go to stop at 2
sq = n*n
cu = cu*n
write ("n=", n)
write ("n^2 = ", sq)
write ("n^3 = ", cu)
go back to 1
2 stop

I t is hard to do a flow chart so I will invent a generic coding language

1 write "input a number
read n
if n = 0 go to stop at 2
sq = n*n
cu = sq*n
write ("n=", n)
write ("n^2 = ", sq)
write ("n^3 = ", cu)
go back to 1
2 stop

Here is the Pseudo code for you:

Method Square(x):
return x * x; //Squares the value passed as input.

Method Cube(x):
return x * x * x; //Cubes the value passed as input.
Method Main():
while(true): //Repeats infinitely.
Prompt for x.
Read x.
if x == 0:
return; //Stop executing.
y = Square(x) //Calls the method Square(x).
Print y. //Prints the square of a number x.
y = Cube(x) //Calls the method Cube(x).
Print y.

To create a program that continuously prompts a user for a numeric value until they enter 0, and then passes that value to methods that square and cube the number, you can follow the pseudocode steps below:

1. Start by defining the main program or method that will prompt the user for input and control the flow of the program.

2. Inside the main program, create a loop that continues until the user enters 0 as the numeric value. You can use a "while" loop or any other loop structure that suits your language of choice.

3. Inside the loop, prompt the user to enter a numeric value and store it in a variable.

4. Use an "if" statement to check if the entered value is equal to 0. If it is, exit the loop. Otherwise, proceed to the next steps.

5. Call the method that squares the number and pass the entered value as an argument. Store the returned squared value in a variable.

6. Call the method that cubes the number and pass the entered value as an argument. Store the returned cubed value in a separate variable.

7. Display the squared and cubed values to the user.

8. Repeat the loop to prompt the user for the next numeric value.

9. Once the user enters 0, exit the loop and end the program.

To complete the program, you need to implement the methods that square and cube a number. Here's an example of how you can define these methods:

1. Define a method called "squareNumber" that accepts a numeric value as a parameter.

2. Inside the method, calculate the square of the given value by multiplying it by itself. Store the result in a variable.

3. Return the calculated squared value using the "return" statement.

4. Define another method called "cubeNumber" that accepts a numeric value as a parameter.

5. Inside the method, calculate the cube of the given value by multiplying it by itself twice (or by using the appropriate language-specific method or operator). Store the result in a variable.

6. Return the calculated cubed value using the "return" statement.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a program that continuously prompts the user for a numeric value until they enter 0, and then passes that value to the squareNumber and cubeNumber methods, displaying the results before reprompting the user.