ok there these 3 kids who sold cookies and here are there rates and if their continuing a the rate if they sold the cookies at 2.00 a piece how many days will it take to make 320.00

at their rates?
Maria 39cookies/13days

Stephen 42cookies/7days
Aisha 21cookies / 3 days
I don't understand how you get the answer 320 please show me

I multiplied 2.00 by the amount of each person sold and it only comes out to 210, how do you get 320?

The question is asking how many days it will take them to sell #320 worth of cookies.

sorry ms sue but I am still confused, what do you multiply by $2.00 then to get the answer of $320? I am stumped at what to do!

Maria sells 3 cookies per day

Stephen sells 6 cookies per day
Aisha sells7 cookies per day

together they sell 16 cookies per day

number of cookies needed to make $320 = 320/2 = 160

number of days needed to sell 160 cookies at a rate of 16 cookies per day
= 160/16 = 10 days

To find out how many days it will take for the three kids to make $320 by selling cookies at their respective rates, you need to consider the total number of cookies each person can sell in a day. Once you have determined the number of cookies each person sells in a day, you can calculate the total number of days it will take to make $320.

Let's break it down step by step:

Maria sells 39 cookies in 13 days. To find out how many cookies Maria sells in a day, you need to divide the total number of cookies (39) by the total number of days (13): 39 cookies / 13 days = 3 cookies per day.

Stephen sells 42 cookies in 7 days. Dividing the total number of cookies by the total number of days: 42 cookies / 7 days = 6 cookies per day.

Aisha sells 21 cookies in 3 days. Dividing the total number of cookies by the total number of days: 21 cookies / 3 days = 7 cookies per day.

Now that we know how many cookies each person sells in a day, we can calculate the total number of days it will take to make $320.

Let's start with Maria:
Maria sells 3 cookies per day, and each cookie is sold for $2. So, Maria earns $2 x 3 cookies = $6 per day.

Next is Stephen:
Stephen sells 6 cookies per day, so he earns $2 x 6 cookies = $12 per day.

Lastly, Aisha:
She sells 7 cookies per day and earns $2 x 7 cookies = $14 per day.

To find out how many days it will take for the three of them to make $320, we can add up their daily earnings until we reach $320.

Starting with Maria's earnings:
$6/day x number of days = $320
Number of days = $320 / $6/day = 53.33 days

Since we can't have a fraction of a day, we can round it up to 54 days for Maria.

Similarly, for Stephen:
$12/day x number of days = $320
Number of days = $320 / $12/day = 26.67 days.
Rounding this up, we get 27 days for Stephen.

And for Aisha:
$14/day x number of days = $320
Number of days = $320 / $14/day = 22.86 days.
Rounding this up, we get 23 days for Aisha.

To find the total number of days it will take for all three of them to earn $320, we take the maximum number of days among the three, which is 54 days for Maria.

Therefore, it will take 54 days for the three kids to make $320 when each cookie is sold for $2.