The answer to this question IS NOT "B".

What is the answer to the following question.

Inside the bus, in his summer Class-A uniform with its brass glitter and infantry-blue shoulder cordon, Jamie Sabin was going home. Fort Benning would be a fading dream; Preston, Virginia, a place unknown, his future. He was in between, fumbling with puzzle pieces, making up stories about the real Jamie Sabin. Each of these he set adrift like a paper boat on a shifting sea of daydreams. He did that encased in the drone and shudder of diesel pistons and hissing tires. Jamie Sabin was going home to a place unknown.

In this paragraph, the paper boat is a
A. simile for stories Jamie makes up about himself.
B. Omit "B", because it is incorrect: metaphor for daydreams.
C. simile for Jamie's past.
D. metaphor for Jamie's past and future.

It's not a simile because it doesn't use "like" or "as."

Hello Sue, the answer is a simile. Please read the following: Each of these he set adrift like a paper boat on a shifting sea of daydreams. He did that encased in the drone and shudder of diesel pistons and hissing tires. Jamie Sabin was going home to a place unknown. With this paragraph, I can see that it is a "Simile" and therefore conclude or infer that the answer is "A", because he's making up stories about himself and liking his life like a "paper boat".

Oops! Thanks for the correction. I read this several times and still missed "like."

I agree with your answer of a.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the paragraph provided. The paragraph describes Jamie Sabin's journey home on a bus and his state of mind. It mentions that Jamie is "fumbling with puzzle pieces, making up stories about the real Jamie Sabin" and sets each story adrift "like a paper boat on a shifting sea of daydreams."

From this context, we can infer that the paper boat symbolizes something related to Jamie's stories or daydreams. To determine the answer, we need to evaluate the options.

Option A suggests that the paper boat is a simile for the stories Jamie makes up about himself. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." In this case, the paper boat represents the stories Jamie creates. This option seems plausible based on the information provided.

Option B is omitted because it states that it is incorrect, which contradicts the information given that we should choose an answer.

Option C states that the paper boat is a simile for Jamie's past. However, no information in the paragraph directly suggests a connection between the paper boat and Jamie's past. Therefore, this option is an incorrect interpretation.

Option D suggests that the paper boat is a metaphor for Jamie's past and future. A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things. However, there is no mention of the paper boat symbolizing both Jamie's past and future in the paragraph. Therefore, this option is an incorrect interpretation.

Based on the analysis, the most accurate answer is A. The paper boat is a simile for the stories Jamie makes up about himself. To arrive at this answer, it is essential to carefully read and interpret the given paragraph and consider the literal and figurative meanings behind different elements.