The formula Total cost = Cost + Shipping cost - Holding cost is used to find the total cost of a business asset. The formula can be written in symbols as T=C+S+H. Solve the formula for C, the the cost of the asset.



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To solve the formula for C, we need to isolate C on one side of the equation. Here's how we do it:

1. Start with the formula: T = C + S + H

2. To isolate C, we need to get rid of S and H. We can do this by subtracting S and H from both sides of the equation:

T - S - H = C + S + H - S - H

Simplifying the right side, we get:

T - S - H = C

3. Rearrange the equation to isolate C:

C = T - S - H

So, the formula for C, the cost of the asset, is C = T - S - H.