1. Which of the following traits is acquired

A. the number of petals that grow in a plant's flowers

B. the wing shape of a wild bird

C. the ability of some gorillas to use sign language

D. a cheetah's ability to run faster than any other animal

2. The height of a plant is dependent upon

A. its genes
B. its environment
C. both its genes and its environment
D. neither its genes nor its environment

3. Chromosome pairs are made up of

A. two versions of many genes
B. two alleles
C. two genes
D. two traits

7. How can an offspring inherit a recessive trait?

A. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if one of its parents has the trait and the other is homozygous for the dominant allele.

B. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if one of its parents is heterozygous for the recessive allele and the other is homozygous for the dominant allele.

C. An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are homozygous for the dominant allele.

D. An off spring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are heterozygous for the dominant allele.

10. I f two people with wavy hair have offspring, what percentage of their off spring would you expect to have wavy hair?

A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%

My Answers

1. D
2. C
3. A
7. D
10. C

And if someone know the every answer to the quiz can you help most of all thank you and anyone else who helps me

I know that #4 is definitely D.

since 2013 and still no answer to a quiz that's tuff

Great job on attempting the quiz! Let's go through each question and see if your answers are correct.

1. Which of the following traits is acquired?
Answer: None of the above. Traits that are acquired cannot be inherited. Examples of acquired traits include language skills, playing a musical instrument, or learned behaviors. In this case, the correct answer is not listed, so there is no correct option.

2. The height of a plant is dependent upon:
Answer: C - both its genes and its environment. The height of a plant can be influenced by its genetic factors (genes) as well as external factors such as sunlight, water availability, and soil nutrients (environment). Both factors play a role in determining the height of a plant.

3. Chromosome pairs are made up of:
Answer: A - two versions of many genes. Chromosome pairs contain genes, which are stretches of DNA that provide instructions for the development and function of living organisms. Each chromosome in a pair carries different versions (alleles) of many genes.

7. How can an offspring inherit a recessive trait?
Answer: B - An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if one of its parents is heterozygous for the recessive allele and the other is homozygous for the dominant allele. In genetics, traits are often determined by alleles, alternative forms of a gene. If an individual receives two copies of the recessive allele, one from each parent, they will express the recessive trait.

10. If two people with wavy hair have offspring, what percentage of their offspring would you expect to have wavy hair?
Answer: C - 50%. In this scenario, if both parents have wavy hair, it suggests they each possess one copy of the wavy hair allele, as wavy hair is likely the result of a dominant allele. When they have offspring, there is a 50% chance for each child to inherit the allele for wavy hair, resulting in approximately 50% of their offspring having wavy hair.

So, your final updated answers would be:
1. None of the above (not listed)
2. C
3. A
7. B
10. C

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.

can someone help me