A linear model for a set of data was y = –20.6 + 9.72x and produced the following residual plot: [Xscl = 1, Yscl = 5]


a) Predict the value of y when x = 7.5.
b) Determine the residual if x = 5. (2 points)

a) y = -20.6 + 9.72x

x = 7.5

y = -20.6 + 9.72(7.5) = 52.3

b) -6


To predict the value of y when x = 7.5, we can substitute x = 7.5 into the linear model equation y = -20.6 + 9.72x:

a) y = -20.6 + 9.72(7.5)
= -20.6 + 73.8
= 53.2

Therefore, the predicted value of y when x = 7.5 is 53.2.

To determine the residual if x = 5, we need to compare the actual value of y for x = 5 with the predicted value of y using the linear model equation:

b) Residual = Actual value of y - Predicted value of y

Let's say the actual value of y for x = 5 is y = 40. We can substitute the values into the equation:

Residual = 40 - (-20.6 + 9.72(5))
= 40 - (-20.6 + 48.6)
= 40 - 28
= 12

Therefore, the residual when x = 5 is 12.

To predict the value of y when x = 7.5, we can use the equation of the linear model, y = -20.6 + 9.72x.

a) To find the predicted value of y, substitute x = 7.5 into the equation:

y = -20.6 + 9.72(7.5)

Multiply 9.72 by 7.5:

y = -20.6 + 72.9

Add -20.6 to 72.9:

y = 52.3

Therefore, the predicted value of y when x = 7.5 is 52.3.

b) To determine the residual when x = 5, we need to compare the actual y-value at x = 5 with the predicted value from the linear model.

First, find the actual y-value at x = 5 either from the given data or the scatterplot.

Next, substitute x = 5 into the linear model and find the predicted value of y.

Then, subtract the actual y-value from the predicted value:

Residual = Predicted value - Actual value

Note: The residual measures the vertical difference between the actual data points and the regression line. It indicates how well the linear model fits the data points. A positive residual means the predicted value is greater than the actual value, while a negative residual means the predicted value is lower than the actual value.

Please provide the data or scatterplot for x = 5 to determine the actual y-value and compute the residual.