Hello, I'm writing a story and was wondering if someone could give me realistic reasons as to why a brother would kidnap hid brother? that's kind of what happenes in my story. the brothers are like 50 years old though. thank you!

Money is the usual motive for kidnapping. Maybe one brother has a lot more money than the other.

That's great! that was my main idea but how would he be able to get the money from his brother anyway?

so far i have made it so that the guy kidnaps his brother and his brother's wife. the daughters going to save them but how would he take the money?

he pretends to be him. Goes to the bank and emptys his account. Into his own

oh that's a great idea!!! i love it thank you!!

In order to come up with realistic reasons for a brother kidnapping his own brother in your story, let's explore some potential motivations:

1. Financial disputes: One possible reason could be an intense financial conflict between the two brothers. This could involve issues like inheritance, business ownership, or debts. The kidnapping might be a desperate attempt to gain control over assets or force the other brother to comply with monetary demands.

2. Revenge or betrayal: If one brother feels deeply betrayed or wronged by the other, perhaps due to past events or a perceived betrayal, it could create a motive for kidnapping. This could be a personal vendetta, seeking to make the other brother suffer for a perceived injustice.

3. Family rivalry or power struggle: Sibling rivalries, especially deep-seated ones that have persisted into adulthood, can lead to a thirst for control or dominance. If one brother harbors resentment towards the other, a kidnapping could be a manifestation of the desire to assert power and establish superiority.

4. Mental health issues: Exploring the idea of psychological or emotional instability can also provide a realistic motive for kidnapping. If one brother has a history of mental illness, it could drive them to commit such an extreme act either due to delusions, a skewed perception of reality, or some other uncontrollable urge.

5. Hidden secrets or blackmail: If one brother possesses sensitive information or holds secrets that could ruin the life or reputation of the other, this could provide a powerful motive for kidnapping. The captor might be attempting to extract vital information or use it as leverage for personal gain.

Remember, when crafting a realistic story, it helps to consider the character development, individual backgrounds, and their relationship dynamics to make these motivations believable and compelling.