during the Devonian period,animals that could live on land began to evolve, these animals till spent part of their lives in the water. what were these animals called?

a) trilobites
b) reptiles
c) amphibians
d) dinosoars

see below

Well,The Devonian is known as the: "Age of Fishes."

It is famous for the thousands of species of fish that developed in Devonian seas.

So what do you think the answer is?

but it says that some of them started to emerge from the sea on the land. Those are amphibians, like Marines !

I NEED THE ANSWER NOW I AM DOING THE TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the Devonian period, animals that could live on land began to evolve. However, they still spent part of their lives in the water. These animals are called amphibians (option c).

To arrive at this answer, we can use our knowledge of the characteristics of different animal groups during that time period.

Trilobites (option a) were marine arthropods that existed during the Paleozoic era, including the Devonian period. They were not capable of living on land.

Reptiles (option b) did not appear until the Carboniferous period, which came after the Devonian period. They were the first fully terrestrial vertebrates and did not rely on water for any part of their life cycle.

Dinosaurs (option d) emerged much later than the Devonian period, specifically during the Mesozoic era.

Amphibians, on the other hand, had already evolved during the Devonian period. They were the first animals to have the ability to live on land but still relied on water for reproduction. Amphibians include organisms like early tetrapods and labyrinthodonts, which were capable of breathing air but still needed water to lay their eggs and complete their life cycle. Therefore, the correct answer is option c, amphibians.