
7.3* -2 >= x/-2*-2

-14.6 >= x

would it be x<=-14.6


Thank you again!

The expression is written as 7.3 ≥ x / -2 which represents an inequality. To solve for the variable, x, we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality symbol.

First, multiply both sides of the inequality by -2 to get rid of the denominator and keep the inequality sign intact:

7.3 * -2 ≥ x / -2 * -2

-14.6 ≥ x

Now, the inequality becomes -14.6 ≥ x. Therefore, the solution for this inequality is x ≤ -14.6.

To explain how to arrive at this solution, I used the following steps:
1. Multiply both sides of the inequality by -2 to eliminate the denominator.
2. Simplify by performing the multiplication on both sides.
3. The inequality sign remains unchanged because we multiplied both sides by a negative number.
4. Rewrite the expression with the variable, x, on the right side and the numeric value on the left side.
5. The resulting inequality is x ≤ -14.6.