With an exponential transformation, how does the data set (x, y) change? (2 points)

(log x, y)
(x, log y)
(log x, log y)
cannot be determined without a data set

(log x, log y)

Thanks a lot

With an exponential transformation, the data set (x, y) changes in different ways depending on the specific transformation applied. Here are the three transformations mentioned:

1. (log x, y): In this transformation, the x-values are logarithmically transformed using the logarithm function. This means that for each x-value in the original data set, you take the logarithm of that value to get the corresponding x-value in the transformed data set. The y-values remain unchanged.

2. (x, log y): In this transformation, the y-values are logarithmically transformed using the logarithm function. This means that for each y-value in the original data set, you take the logarithm of that value to get the corresponding y-value in the transformed data set. The x-values remain unchanged.

3. (log x, log y): In this transformation, both the x-values and y-values are logarithmically transformed using the logarithm function. This means that for each x-value and y-value in the original data set, you take the logarithm of both values to get the corresponding x-value and y-value in the transformed data set.

Determining the specific change in the data set without having the original data set would not be possible. To apply any of these transformations, you would need to have the original data set (x, y) available.