Hello, i have to write a ccot essay. can someone please help find details for each of my subtopics?

the topic: analyze continuities and changes that resulted from the spread of islam into west africa betweeen circa 800 ce to 1750 ce.

changes: trade and politics
continuities: religion and gender roles

thank you

Certainly! To analyze the continuities and changes that resulted from the spread of Islam into West Africa between circa 800 CE to 1750 CE for your CCOT (Continuity and Change Over Time) essay, here are some details you can consider for each subtopic:

1. Changes - Trade:
- Research the impact of Islamic trade networks such as the Trans-Saharan trade routes on West Africa.
- Look into the introduction of new trade goods, such as gold, salt, and textiles, as a result of Islamic influence.
- Examine how the spread of Islam helped to establish and expand regional trade networks in West Africa.
- Investigate the role of Muslim merchants in facilitating trade and the spread of goods across West Africa.
- Discuss any changes in trading practices, such as the establishment of commercial centers and the introduction of new economic systems.

2. Changes - Politics:
- Explore the impact of Islamic political systems, such as the caliphate and emirates, on the political landscape of West Africa.
- Investigate the rise of Islamic states and empires in the region, such as the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires.
- Analyze how the adoption of Islam influenced the structure of political institutions, including the adoption of Islamic law (Sharia) and the role of Islamic rulers.
- Examine any changes in political leadership, such as the rise of Muslim rulers and their impact on society and governance.
- Consider the influence of Islamic scholars and religious leaders in shaping political decision-making.

3. Continuities - Religion:
- Explore the enduring presence of indigenous African religions alongside the spread of Islam in West Africa.
- Investigate how Islam integrated with existing religious practices, beliefs, and rituals.
- Analyze the continuities in the role of religious leaders and their influence on society.
- Examine the persistence of traditional religious festivals and ceremonies alongside Islamic religious practices.
- Discuss any syncretic practices that emerged due to the blending of Islamic and indigenous religious beliefs.

4. Continuities - Gender Roles:
- Explore the position of women in West African societies before and after the spread of Islam.
- Investigate any continuities in gender roles, such as the division of labor, women's social status, and familial roles.
- Examine how Islamic teachings influenced women's rights, education, and political participation.
- Analyze any changes or continuities in women's power and agency within the family and society.
- Consider the impact of Islamic veiling practices and their continuity or change over time.

Remember to support your essay with specific examples, evidence, and analysis for each subtopic. Good luck with your CCOT essay!