sound and light prentice hall science Explorer book 6th grade page 15

section 2 assessment

1.c. comparing and contrasting which wave properties are distances? which are measured relative to time

Amplitude and wavelength are the two main distance measurements.

I'm sorry, it took so long for this question to be answered.....

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To find the answer to this question, you will need access to the Prentice Hall Science Explorer book for 6th grade, specifically page 15. Once you have the book, go to Section 2 Assessment. In this section, you will find multiple questions related to wave properties.

For question 1.c, it asks you to compare and contrast which wave properties are distances and which are measured relative to time.

To answer this question, you will need to understand the different wave properties. In terms of distances, wave properties such as wavelength and amplitude are generally measured in physical units, such as meters or centimeters. Wavelength represents the distance between two corresponding points on a wave, while amplitude represents the maximum displacement of a wave from its rest position.

On the other hand, wave properties that are measured relative to time include frequency and period. Frequency is the number of complete waves passing a given point in a certain amount of time, usually measured in Hertz (Hz). Period, on the other hand, is the time it takes for one complete wavelength to pass a given point, usually measured in seconds.

To answer the question, you will need to compare and contrast these properties, specifically indicating which are distances (wavelength and amplitude) and which are measured relative to time (frequency and period). Check the content on page 15 of the Prentice Hall Science Explorer book to find the full explanation and answer key for this section.