Markup = $70; Rate of markup based on cost = 78%

a. Find the cost.
b. Find the selling price.

a. C = M/M%

C = 70/78%
C = $89.74

b. s = c + m
s = $89.74 + $70
s = 159.74

Thanks Kual

a. To find the cost, we can use the formula:

Cost = Markup / (Rate of markup/100)

Substituting the given values, we have:

Cost = $70 / (78/100)

Simplifying, we get:

Cost = $70 / 0.78

Calculating, the cost is:

Cost ≈ $89.74

b. To find the selling price, we can use the formula:

Selling Price = Cost + Markup

Substituting the known values, we have:

Selling Price = $89.74 + $70

Calculating, the selling price is:

Selling Price ≈ $159.74

To find the cost and selling price, you can use the formula:

Selling Price = Cost + Markup

a. To find the cost:
We can use the formula for markup based on cost:

Markup = (Rate of markup based on cost / 100) * Cost

Given that the markup is $70 and the rate of markup based on cost is 78%, we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the cost:

70 = (78 / 100) * Cost

To solve the equation for Cost, we can rearrange it:
Cost = 70 / (78 / 100)

Using a calculator, the Cost is approximately $89.74.

b. To find the selling price:
We can substitute the cost into the formula:

Selling Price = Cost + Markup
Selling Price = $89.74 + $70

By calculating this, the Selling Price is approximately $159.74.