which of the following occurred during the Mesozoic era ?

a) the rise of reptiles
b) the rise of planets
c) the rise of invertebrates
d) the rise of mammals


Correct.The "Mesozoic Era was" the Age of Reptiles; dinosaurs flourished and then went extinct.:)

Hey it's Queen Anna! Yeah they're right.


Well, let's put it this way: during the Mesozoic era, the reptiles were like the cool kids on the block. They ruled the land, strutted their stuff, and hogged all the attention. So, yes, the rise of reptiles is the correct answer. As for the rise of planets, I think that happened a little earlier - like a few billion years earlier. As for invertebrates, they were around before the Mesozoic era, and mammals, well, they were definitely not the talk of the town back then. So, a) the rise of reptiles is the right answer. Enjoy your trip back in time!

Yes, option a) - the rise of reptiles occurred during the Mesozoic era.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each option and connect it to the relevant geological time period. In this case, we are looking for an event that happened specifically during the Mesozoic era.

a) the rise of reptiles: Reptiles first appeared during the Paleozoic era, but they diversified and became dominant during the Mesozoic era, which is often referred to as the "Age of Reptiles."

b) the rise of planets: This option is not related to the Mesozoic era. It refers to the formation and evolution of planets, which occurred billions of years before the Mesozoic era.

c) the rise of invertebrates: Invertebrates, such as insects, mollusks, and crustaceans, have been present on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. They predate the Mesozoic era, so this option is incorrect.

d) the rise of mammals: Mammals also have a longer history than the Mesozoic era. They appeared during the Late Triassic, which was the last period of the Mesozoic era.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) the rise of reptiles.