I need to do an assignment where I find two cereal boxes that have the same volume but differ in surface area? Can someone please tell me when I'm looking at the boxes what I need to be looking at to compare these two things please? Thank you!

volume = w * h * l

surface area = 2wh + 2lh + 2wl
So find something with dimensions that multiply up to the same number but the surface area is different, for example if w = 1 h = 2 l = 8
compared with
w= 1 h = 4 l = 4
It would give different surface areas
4 + 32 + 16

8 + 8 + 32

To compare the volumes and surface areas of two cereal boxes, here's what you need to look at:

1. Volume: The volume of a box is the amount of space it occupies. To determine the volume, you need to find the measurements of the three dimensions of the box - length, width, and height. Multiply these dimensions together to get the volume. For example, if the length is 10 cm, the width is 5 cm, and the height is 15 cm, the volume would be 10 cm x 5 cm x 15 cm = 750 cm³.

2. Surface Area: The surface area of a box is the total area of all its faces. To determine the surface area, you need to find the measurements of all six faces of the box. Calculate the area of each face, and then add them together to get the total surface area. For example, if the box has dimensions as mentioned above, you would calculate the area of each face (2 faces with dimensions 10 cm x 5 cm, 2 faces with dimensions 5 cm x 15 cm, and 2 faces with dimensions 10 cm x 15 cm), and then add them together.

Once you have the volume and surface area for both cereal boxes, compare the values to find two boxes that have the same volume but different surface areas.