Where can we find the summary of 'the Big Story' by John Escott?


There may be something in here, but if the book is still under copyright, it'll be mostly sales websites. However, some of those sales sites have pretty good summaries.

Read, read, read. =)

To find the summary of "The Big Story" by John Escott, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book's title, "The Big Story," by John Escott, on a search engine such as Google.

2. Look for reliable sources that provide book summaries, such as book review websites, literary blogs, or online bookstores like Amazon.

3. Once you find a potential source, click on it to access the book's details and summary.

4. Read the summary provided by the source to get an overview of the book's plot, main characters, and themes. Some sources may provide more detailed summaries than others, so you may need to check multiple sources for a comprehensive summary.

5. If you prefer, you can also look for book reviews or discussions on platforms like Goodreads or book-related forums, as these often contain summary-like descriptions along with readers' opinions and insights.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the summary of "The Big Story" by John Escott.