a plane travels 1020 miles from new york city to minneapolis in 3.3 hours. the return trip takes 2.75 hours.

how fast is the plane flying in miles per hour during the return flight?

1020 / 2.75 = ?


I am trying to figure out what the answer is!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!

PLz help me im am stuck on this aahhh

can someone plz help me

.55 miles faster.

To find the speed of the plane during the return flight, we need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken.

Given that the return trip took 2.75 hours, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

The distance traveled during the return trip is still 1020 miles, and the time taken is 2.75 hours. Plugging in these values, we get:

Speed = 1020 miles / 2.75 hours

Now we can calculate the speed:

Speed = 370.91 miles per hour

Therefore, the plane was traveling approximately 370.91 miles per hour during the return flight.