A possible trajectory for sending a spacecraft to Mars is an elliptical orbit with Earth at its perihelion and Mars at its aphelion. The craft would be launched out of low-Earth orbit by a quick burst of rockets into solar orbit, and would then "coast'' until rockets fire again to match its speed to that of Mars and lower it into an orbit about the planet. Neglecting the acceleration and deceleration phases, how long would it take to get from low-Earth orbit to Mars along this "minimal-energy'' trajectory?

Express your answer in years.

To calculate the time it would take for a spacecraft to travel from low-Earth orbit to Mars along this minimal-energy trajectory, we need to consider a few key factors.

First, we need to determine the average speed of the spacecraft during its coasting phase. This can be approximated by the average velocity of an elliptical orbit, which is the distance traveled divided by the time taken to traverse that distance.

Let's assume that the average distance between Earth and Mars is about 225 million km, and the semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit is the average distance plus the radius of Earth (which is approximately 6,370 km). Therefore, the semi-major axis is 225 million km + 6,370 km = 225,006,370 km.

Next, we need to calculate the time taken for the spacecraft to travel from low-Earth orbit to Mars along this elliptical orbit. This time is half of the orbital period, since the spacecraft starts at the perihelion distance from Earth.

The orbital period of an elliptical orbit can be determined using Kepler's Third Law, which states that the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis:

(T1^2 / T2^2) = (a1^3 / a2^3),

where T1 and T2 are the orbital periods, and a1 and a2 are the semi-major axes of the initial and final orbits.

Assuming we know the orbital period of Earth as 365 days (1 year), we can calculate the orbital period of the elliptical orbit around Mars by rearranging the equation:

T2^2 = (T1^2 * a2^3) / a1^3,
T2 = sqrt((T1^2 * a2^3) / a1^3).

Substituting the values, we get:

T2 = sqrt((1^2 * (225,006,370)^3) / (225 million)^3).

Calculating this expression gives us the orbital period of the spacecraft around Mars.

Finally, to find the time it takes for the spacecraft to travel from low-Earth orbit to Mars, we divide the orbital period by 2, since the spacecraft starts at the perihelion distance of the elliptical orbit (at the closest point to Earth).

To convert this time into years, we divide the result by the number of days in a year (365).

The exact calculation may be quite complex, so it is recommended to use numerical methods or software to estimate the answer.