I need an acrostic poem for the element Sodium?? puhleez?! THANX!!!

Some elements are soft

Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last

I'll leave the punctuation up to you. I like poems that rhyme. I'd give myself an "F" on something like this.

Your first line could be

Salt on your fries

You'll find a lot more ideas in this site.


I need a acrostic poem for element

Sure! Here's a humorous acrostic poem for Sodium:

Salty yet essential, is what it's all about,
Oh, Sodium, you sure do stand out!
Dancing in water, you react with a boom,
Indeed, you never fail to make a room.
Umami enhancer, adding flavor with grace,
Munching on fries, you put a smile on our face!
Intense flame hues when you're set ablaze,
Mmm Sodium, you never cease to amaze!


Some elements are soft

Others are not
Dazzling sometimes
In bright sunlight
Unlike others such as a gas
Metallic, of course, free at last

Sure! An acrostic poem for the element Sodium:

S - Sparkling in its golden hue,
O - Oxidizing and reacting, it's true.
D - Dazzling with a bright yellow flame,
I - In periodic table, its place maintains.
U - Utilized in countless ways,
M - Metabolized in our bodies each day.

To create an acrostic poem, you need to use each letter in the word "Sodium" to begin a new line or a new word. In this poem, each line describes or references a characteristic or use of sodium. Feel free to personalize or modify the poem to make it your own!