Which sentence demonstrates correct use of modifiers?

A) Startled by the noise, the alarm clock was knocked on the floor.
B) Kendah found a broken glass washing her dishes.
C) Rocco gave snacks to his friends in plastic bags
D)Standing on a chair, I was just able to reach the high window.

A) Was the alarm clock startled by the noise?

B) Was the glass washing her dishes?

C) Were the friends in plastic bags?

D) Was I standing on the chair?

The correct sentence that demonstrates the correct use of modifiers is:

D) Standing on a chair, I was just able to reach the high window.

In this sentence, the modifier "Standing on a chair" correctly describes the subject "I" and provides additional information about the action taking place, which is being able to reach the high window.

To identify the correct use of modifiers, you should look for modifiers that are placed correctly and clearly describe or provide additional information about the subject or action in the sentence. Make sure the modifier is placed next to the word or phrase it is modifying and that it doesn't cause confusion or ambiguity in the sentence.