In triangle ABC, D bisects side BC, G bisects side AB, and the points E and F trisect side AC. What is the area of the shaded polygon, if the area of ABC is 108?

I tryed to find the area of triangles on the side and I figured that if you put a line from the top of the triangle to Point F in the triangle it should be parallel to one of the sides.

To find the area of the shaded polygon, we need to first understand the given information and construct the diagram. We know that triangle ABC has an area of 108 units.

First, let's draw triangle ABC. Label the vertices A, B, and C. Draw a line segment from point D to the midpoint of side BC, and label the point of intersection as G. Next, divide segment AB into two equal parts by drawing a line segment from point G to the midpoint of side AB. Finally, divide segment AC into three equal parts by drawing two line segments from point G to the points of intersection on segment AC, labeling those points E and F.

Now, connect point F to point B and extend the line until it intersects side AC (let's call this intersection point H). Based on your observation, this line should indeed be parallel to side BC.

To find the area of the shaded polygon, we need to calculate the areas of the individual triangles. Let's label the points of intersection between line FB and line AC as I and line AH as J.

Now, let's find the areas step by step:

1. Area of triangle ABD: This triangle is similar to the entire triangle ABC, so its area is also 108/2 = 54.

2. Area of triangle GFC: This triangle is similar to triangle ABC as well, so its area is also 108/2 = 54.

3. Area of triangle FCI: Triangles FCI and ABC are similar. Since segment IH divides segment AC into two equal parts, the area ratio between triangles FCI and ABC is equal to the side ratio. That is, the area of triangle FCI is (1/2) * 108 = 54.

4. Area of triangle FJI: Similarly, triangles FJI and ABC are similar. Since segment HJ divides segment AJ into two equal parts, the area ratio between triangles FJI and ABC is equal to the side ratio. Therefore, the area of triangle FJI is (1/4) * 108 = 27.

The shaded polygon is formed by subtracting the areas of triangles ABD, GFC, FCI, and FJI from the area of triangle ABC. Therefore, the area of the shaded polygon is:

108 - (54 + 54 + 54 + 27) = 108 - 189 = -81 units.

Please double-check your diagram and make sure you have accurately described the situation, as a negative area does not make geometric sense in this context.

Prove that any to sides of triangle are together greater then twice the median drawn to the third side