
two hundred thirty dollars


two hundred and thirty dollars

Is there a dash between two and hundred?

two hundred thirty

dashes are between twenty-one and ninety-nine (rule 15) http://www.grammarbook.com/numbers/numbers.asp

two hundred thirty dollars

When writing numbers, "and" means a decimal point. Example: $2.30 = two dollars and thirty cents

No -- no dash between two and hundred.

No, there should not be a dash between "two" and "hundred" when writing out the number 230 in word form. The correct way to write it is either "two hundred thirty dollars" or "two hundred and thirty dollars." Both forms are acceptable, but you should choose one and be consistent with its usage. The use of "and" between "hundred" and "thirty" is more common in American English, while the omission of "and" is more typical in British English.