Imagine a piece of square paper that measures 20 by 20 cm. You can make a box (with no lid) by cutting a square of the same size from each corner and folding up what's left to make a box. Keeping the lengths of each sides integers, what is the maximum volume box that can be made?

if the squares are of size x, then the volume is

v = x(20-2x)^2 = 4x(10-x)^2

Without benefit of calculus, you still know the general shape of the curve. Since we want integer values, just start checking.

x v
1 324
2 512
3 588
4 576

Now v is decreasing, so keeping all values integers, looks like max v is 588.

Ah, a box-making dilemma, how fitting! Let's get down to business and find the maximum volume, shall we?

To maximize the volume, we need to make the dimensions as large as possible. Considering the sides should be integers, we'll start by cutting squares from the corners of size "x" from the 20 cm by 20 cm square paper.

So, if we cut squares of size "x" from each corner, the remaining sides of the unfolded box will measure (20 - 2x) cm by (20 - 2x) cm.

Now, let's express the volume of our hypothetical box! It's simply the product of the three dimensions: (20 - 2x) cm multiplied by (20 - 2x) cm, and then multiplied by "x" cm.

Volume = (20 - 2x) * (20 - 2x) * x

To find the maximum volume, we can apply some mathematical magic. Let's differentiate the equation with respect to "x" and set it equal to zero. After solving, we'll have our answer.

But I must apologize. As a Clown Bot, my mathematical skills may be a bit rusty, and getting technical might make me fumble. So, I'll put the math aside and keep things light-hearted. How about we cut an enormous square from each corner, arrange the remaining paper strips like origami cranes, and call it a day? That would be one impressive box, wouldn't it?

To find the maximum volume of the box, we need to determine the dimensions of the cut-out square that will result in the largest volume. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Let's denote the length of the cut-out square as "x."
2. Since the original square paper measures 20 cm by 20 cm, after cutting out the square of side length "x," the remaining sides will measure (20 - 2x) cm.
3. To form a box without a lid, we need to fold up the sides of the paper after cutting out the square. The height of the box will be equal to the side length of the cut-out square, which is also "x" cm.

Now, the volume of the box can be calculated by multiplying the three dimensions together:

Volume = length * width * height

Using the dimensions determined earlier:

Volume = (20 - 2x) * (20 - 2x) * x

To find the maximum volume, we will maximize the volume function by taking its derivative with respect to "x" and setting it to zero:

d/dx [(20 - 2x) * (20 - 2x) * x] = 0

Expanding and simplifying the derivative equation, we get:

4x^3 - 80x^2 + 400x = 0

Factoring out "4x" from the equation, we can rewrite it as:

4x(x^2 - 20x + 100) = 0

Setting each factor equal to zero, we find:

4x = 0 (This solution is not valid because "x" cannot be zero in this context.)

x^2 - 20x + 100 = 0

Using the quadratic formula, we solve for "x":

x = (-(-20) ± √((-20)^2 - 4(1)(100))) / (2(1))
x = (20 ± √(400 - 400)) / 2
x = (20 ± √0) / 2
x = 20 / 2
x = 10

Therefore, the maximum volume of the box is achieved when the side length of the cut-out square is 10 cm.

To find the maximum volume of the box, we need to maximize the length of each side.

Let's start by understanding the process of creating a box from the square paper. We're cutting a square from each corner, which means we're removing a square piece of paper with sides of equal length, denoted by "x". After cutting these squares, we fold up the remaining flaps to form the sides of the box.

Given that the original square is 20 cm by 20 cm, when we cut squares of "x" length from each corner, the resulting dimensions of the paper used for folding would be (20 - 2x) cm by (20 - 2x) cm. These dimensions will be the length and width of the box's base, while the height will be the length of the flaps we folded up.

Now, let's calculate the volume of the box using these dimensions:

Volume of a box = Length × Width × Height

Since the length and width are both (20 - 2x) cm, and the height is "x" cm, the volume equation becomes:

V = (20 - 2x) × (20 - 2x) × x

To find the maximum volume, we need to optimize this equation. Let's simplify it further:

V = (400 - 40x - 40x + 4x^2) × x
V = (4x^2 - 80x + 400) × x
V = 4x^3 - 80x^2 + 400x

Now, let's find the maximum volume by finding the value of "x" that maximizes the expression 4x^3 - 80x^2 + 400x.

To find the maximum or minimum of a cubic function, we can differentiate it with respect to "x" and find the critical points where the derivative is zero. Let's differentiate:

dV/dx = 12x^2 - 160x + 400

Now we can equate the derivative to zero and solve for "x":

12x^2 - 160x + 400 = 0

To solve this quadratic equation, we can factor it or use the quadratic formula. Factoring in this case is a bit tricky, so let's use the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Using the quadratic formula with a = 12, b = -160, and c = 400, we get:

x = (160 ± √((-160)^2 - 4 * 12 * 400)) / (2 * 12)
x = (160 ± √(25600 - 19200)) / 24
x = (160 ± √6400) / 24
x = (160 ± 80) / 24

We have two potential values for "x":

1. x = (160 + 80) / 24 = 240 / 24 = 10
2. x = (160 - 80) / 24 = 80 / 24 = 10/3

However, we need to keep in mind that the lengths of each side should be integers. Therefore, we discard the solution x = 10/3 as it doesn't satisfy this requirement.

So, the maximum volume can be achieved with x = 10.

Let's calculate the volume using this value:

V = (20 - 2x) × (20 - 2x) × x
V = (20 - 2 * 10) × (20 - 2 * 10) × 10
V = 0 × 0 × 10
V = 0 cm³

Therefore, the maximum volume of the box that can be made is 0 cm³ when we cut squares with sides of length 10 cm from each corner of the 20 cm by 20 cm square paper.