An earthquake was recorded which was 1584893 times more powerful than a reference level zero earthquake. What is the magnitude of this earthquake on the Richter scale? Intensity on the Richter scale is log(I/Io).

Correct Answer is 6.268. But how to get that?

I get log(1584893) = 6.199999 or 6.2

not 6.268

To calculate the magnitude of an earthquake on the Richter scale, we can use the formula:

Magnitude = log(I/Io)

Where I represents the intensity of the earthquake and Io represents the reference intensity of a magnitude zero earthquake.

In this case, we are given that the earthquake is 1584893 times more powerful than a reference level zero earthquake. Therefore, the intensity, I, would be 1584893 times Io.

To find the magnitude, we substitute the values into the equation:

Magnitude = log(1584893 * Io / Io)

Since Io / Io equals 1, the equation simplifies to:

Magnitude = log(1584893)

By evaluating log base 10 of 1584893, we get the magnitude of the earthquake, which is approximately 6.268.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed 6.268.