write the decimal as a fraction or a mixed number in simplest form


2.67/1× 100/100 = 267/100

267/100 = 2 67/100?

both correct.

To write the decimal 2.67 as a fraction or a mixed number in simplest form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the number of decimal places in the decimal. In this case, 2.67 has two decimal places.

Step 2: Convert the decimal to a fraction by placing the decimal value over "1" followed by the appropriate number of zeros in the denominator, based on the decimal places counted in Step 1.

2.67 can be written as 2.67/1.

To remove the decimal, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100 (since there are two decimal places).

2.67/1 × 100/100 = 267/100.

So, 2.67 can be written as the fraction 267/100.

Now, to simplify the fraction:

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 267 and 100 is 1. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by their GCD.

267 ÷ 1 = 267
100 ÷ 1 = 100

So, the simplified fraction is 267/100.

Lastly, to express the fraction as a mixed number:

Divide the numerator (267) by the denominator (100). The quotient becomes the whole number of the mixed number, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction part.

267 ÷ 100 = 2 remainder 67.

So, the mixed number in simplest form is 2 67/100.