What does quote mean? Things can happen in some cities and the tale of them will be interesting the same story laid in another city would be ridiculous."-frank Norris

it means that culture and location can make a difference in your perception of things.

That's what i got out of it.:)

Thanks :)

Your welcome.

The term "quote" refers to a passage or sentence that is taken directly from a speech, piece of writing, or any other source, and is repeated by someone else or used in a different context. In this case, the quote you mentioned is from Frank Norris, an American novelist.

To understand the meaning of this specific quote, let's break it down:

"Things can happen in some cities and the tale of them will be interesting..."

This part of the quote suggests that certain events or occurrences in certain cities can give rise to intriguing and captivating stories.

"...the same story laid in another city would be ridiculous."

This part indicates that if that same story were to be transplanted or relocated to another city, it would lose its credibility and become laughable or absurd.

Overall, Frank Norris is making a point about the significance of location and context in storytelling. The same events can have drastically different impacts depending on where they take place, highlighting the role of setting in shaping our perception and interpretation of narratives.

If you want to find more information about this quote or its author, you can conduct an internet search using keywords like "Frank Norris quote cities" or "meaning of Frank Norris quote about cities." This will provide you with articles, analyses, or discussions related to the topic, giving you a more comprehensive understanding.