How many 2 1/2 meter long strips of ribbon can be cut from a ribbon that is 750cm long?

To find out how many 2 1/2 meter long strips of ribbon can be cut from a ribbon that is 750cm long, we need to convert the given measurements to the same units.

1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. Therefore, 2 1/2 meters can be converted to centimeters by multiplying it by 100:

2 1/2 meters = 2.5 meters = 2.5 * 100 = 250 centimeters

Now that we know each strip needs to be 250 centimeters long, we can divide the total length of the ribbon by the length of each strip to get the number of strips:

750 centimeters ÷ 250 centimeters = 3

Hence, you can cut 3 strips of length 2 1/2 meters from a ribbon that is 750 centimeters long.

2 1/2 meter = 250 cm

750/250 = 3