The school store sells pens for $2.00 and notebooks for $3.00. You have $60 to spend at the store. How many notebooks can you buy if you have already bought 10 pens?

(2 * 10) + 3n = 60

20 + 3n = 60
3n = 40
n = 13

13 notebooks.

I did it correctly thank you so much guys! Really appreciate yall :))

To determine how many notebooks you can buy, we first need to calculate how much money you have left after buying the pens.

You have $60 to spend at the school store, and each pen costs $2.00. So, the total cost of 10 pens would be 10 x $2.00 = $20.00.

To calculate how much money you have left, subtract the cost of the pens from your initial budget: $60.00 - $20.00 = $40.00.

Now, we know that each notebook costs $3.00. To figure out how many notebooks you can buy, divide the remaining amount of money ($40.00) by the cost of a notebook ($3.00): $40.00 ÷ $3.00 = 13.33.

Since you cannot buy a fraction of a notebook, you can buy a maximum of 13 notebooks with the remaining money after purchasing 10 pens.