I am having a problem I need to Rewrite the program so input, processing, and output are each performed by calls to Sub procedures.

Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click
‘Information about trees
Dim num As Integer = 7

To rewrite the program using sub procedures for input, processing, and output, you will need to create separate sub procedures for each task. Here's how you can do it:

1. Create a sub procedure for input:
- Declare the necessary variables for input, such as "num."
- Move the code that asks for user input inside this sub procedure.
- Assign the input values to the variables.

Private Sub GetInput()
' Information about trees
Dim num As Integer = Integer.Parse(txtNum.Text)
End Sub

2. Create a sub procedure for processing:
- Move the code that performs calculations or any other processing inside this sub procedure.
- If required, pass the necessary variables as parameters to this sub procedure.
- Update the code inside this sub procedure to use the passed variables instead of the variables used directly.

Private Sub ProcessData(currentNum As Integer)
' Processing code here
End Sub

3. Create a sub procedure for output:
- Move the code that displays the output or performs any other output-related tasks inside this sub procedure.
- If required, pass the necessary variables as parameters to this sub procedure.
- Update the code inside this sub procedure to use the passed variables instead of the variables used directly.

Private Sub DisplayOutput(currentNum As Integer)
' Output code here
End Sub

4. Adjust the event handler:
- Modify the event handler, in this case, `btnCompute_Click`, to call the new sub procedures.
- Call the sub procedures in the appropriate order, such as first calling `GetInput`, then `ProcessData`, and finally `DisplayOutput`.
- Pass the required variables between the sub procedures, if necessary.

Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click
End Sub

Remember to adjust the code inside the sub procedures according to your specific requirements. This will help separate the different tasks and make the program more modular and maintainable.