According to to scholars what is one way the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences

It helped get rid of regional dialects. It also helped foreign immigrants learn standard English.

To find out how the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences according to scholars, we can follow a step-by-step process:

1. Begin by searching for scholarly articles or books that discuss the impact of talking pictures on audience behavior. Academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or library catalogs are good starting points.

2. In these databases, use relevant keywords such as "talking pictures," "film history," "audience behavior," or combinations thereof. Be specific in your search terms to narrow down the results.

3. Once you have obtained a list of relevant sources, skim through the abstracts or summaries to find any that mention the impact of talking pictures on audience behavior.

4. Based on this preliminary research, select a few articles or books that appear to have in-depth analysis on the topic. Look for reputable authors, peer-reviewed publications, or books by respected film scholars.

5. Read these selected sources carefully, taking note of any specific points or arguments made by the scholars regarding changes in audience behavior due to talking pictures.

6. Common findings from scholarly research might indicate that the advent of talking pictures brought about changes such as increased engagement, emotional connection, or reservation among movie audiences. Scholars may discuss how this development affected audience interaction, attendance patterns, or even social norms related to movie-watching.

7. Remember to critically evaluate the sources and note any potential biases or limitations in their analyses.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather insights from scholarly works regarding how talking pictures changed audience behavior, thereby answering your question more accurately.