To calculate the mean for grouped data, which of the following steps must be completed?

a. multiply the number of subjects within each category by the value of that category
b. divide the results of the multiplication
c. multiply by the number of subjects
d. multiply each large number with the smaller numbers

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To calculate the mean for grouped data, which of the following steps must be completed?

To calculate the mean for grouped data, you need to follow these steps:

1. Find the midpoint of each category: The midpoint is the average of the lower and upper class limits of each category.

2. Multiply the midpoint of each category by the number of subjects in that category (this answers option a). This calculation gives you the sum of the products.

3. Add up the sum of the products from step 2.

4. Divide the sum of the products obtained in step 3 by the total number of subjects (this answers option b). This division gives you the mean value.

So, the correct steps to calculate the mean for grouped data are to multiply the midpoint by the number of subjects in each category (option a), add up the products, and then divide by the total number of subjects (option b). Options c and d are not necessary for calculating the mean.