Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun.

1.) Prefieres cepillar _____los dientes.
2.) Necesitamos maquillar _____.
3.) No _____ acuesto a las nueve.
4.) Mis hermanos ____despiertan temprano.
5.) Elena y yo ____ duchamos.

1- te

2- te
3-, me
4- me
5- nos

Don`t play with knife.You can...(hurt)...

1.) Prefieres cepillarte los dientes.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb is "cepillar," which means "to brush." Since the subject is the one doing the action of brushing, we use the reflexive pronoun "te" to indicate that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

2.) Necesitamos maquillarnos.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb is "maquillar," which means "to put on makeup." Since the subject is the one doing the action of putting on makeup, we use the reflexive pronoun "nos" to indicate that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

3.) No me acuesto a las nueve.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb is "acostarse," which means "to go to bed." Since the subject is the one doing the action of going to bed, we use the reflexive pronoun "me" to indicate that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

4.) Mis hermanos se despiertan temprano.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb is "despertarse," which means "to wake up." Since the subject is "mis hermanos" (my brothers), and they are doing the action of waking up, we use the reflexive pronoun "se" to indicate that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

5.) Elena y yo nos duchamos.
Explanation: In this sentence, the verb is "ducharse," which means "to shower." Since the subject is "Elena y yo" (Elena and I), and we are doing the action of showering, we use the reflexive pronoun "nos" to indicate that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

Ummm those were wrong.......thanks! :/

Only 2 and 4 were wrong.

2= nos (maquillarnos)
4= se (subject here is mis hermanos even though you could also be the subject if they are waking you up--sentence was not specific)