write an algorithm to find the sum of two numbers

Sure! Here's an algorithm to find the sum of two numbers:

1. Start the algorithm.
2. Take the first number as input and store it in a variable, let's say "num1".
3. Take the second number as input and store it in another variable, let's say "num2".
4. Add "num1" and "num2" and store the result in a new variable, let's say "sum".
5. Print the value of the variable "sum".
6. End the algorithm.

Now, let's break down the steps:

1. Starting the algorithm simply means initiating the process of finding the sum of two numbers.
2. To take the first number as input, you can use functions like "input()" in Python or "Scanner" in Java to read user input and store it in the variable "num1".
3. Similarly, take the second number as input from the user and store it in the variable "num2".
4. Add these two numbers, "num1" and "num2", and store the result in the variable "sum". To perform addition, you can use the "+" operator in most programming languages.
5. Print the value of the variable "sum" to display the sum of the two numbers to the user. Use functions like "print()" in Python or "System.out.println()" in Java to output the result.
6. Finally, end the algorithm, indicating that the process is complete.

By following this algorithm and implementing it in a programming language of your choice, you will be able to find the sum of any two numbers.