Marxism claims that social welfare agencies are really just organizations of

A. social class.
B. social control.
C. social pride.
D. social vanity.

im thinking this is A or B

I vote for a.

thank you, ms. sue! that makes sense.


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To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and understand the basic principles of Marxism.

Marxism is a socio-political theory developed by Karl Marx, and it focuses on the struggle between different social classes. According to Marxism, society is divided into two main classes: the bourgeoisie (the ruling capitalist class) and the proletariat (the working class).

With this understanding, let's analyze the options:

A. Social class: Social welfare agencies can be seen as organizations that address the needs of specific social classes, primarily the working class (proletariat) who may require assistance with healthcare, education, or financial support. This option aligns with Marxist ideas.

B. Social control: Marxism views social institutions, including social welfare agencies, as mechanisms of social control used by the ruling class (bourgeoisie) to maintain their power and suppress the working class. So, this option is also consistent with Marxist ideology.

C. Social pride: Marxism is not primarily concerned with promoting social pride. While Marxism aims to address social and economic inequalities, it is focused on the struggle between classes rather than upliftment of pride.

D. Social vanity: Similarly, Marxism is not focused on promoting social vanity. It criticizes the capitalist system for fostering individualistic and competitive attitudes that prioritize personal gain over collective well-being.

Based on this analysis, the most accurate answer is B. Social control. Marxism argues that social welfare agencies are primarily institutions of social control used by the ruling class to maintain their dominance over the working class.