The annual interest rate for a customer’s loan of $425 is 15.75%. What is the total dollar amount to be repaid on the loan, including principle and interest, for the entire year?


425 = P * 0.1575 * 1

Solve for P.

To calculate the total dollar amount to be repaid on the loan, including principal and interest, you can use the formula for calculating simple interest:

Total Amount = Principal + Interest

The principal in this case is the loan amount, which is $425.

To find the interest amount, you need to calculate 15.75% of the loan amount. To do this, you multiply the loan amount by the interest rate expressed as a decimal.

Interest Amount = Principal × Interest Rate

Interest Amount = $425 × 15.75% (or 0.1575)

Multiply these two values together:

Interest Amount = $425 × 0.1575

The result is the interest amount.

To find the total amount to be repaid, you need to add the principal and the interest together:

Total Amount = Principal + Interest

Total Amount = $425 + interest amount

By substituting the value of the interest amount into the equation, you can calculate the total amount to be repaid.