What is ...

0.23 as a fraction and percent
3/100 as a decimal and percent
32 1/2 % as a decimal and fraction
0.25 as a fraction and percent
3/5 as a decimal and percent
75% as a decimal and fraction
1/8 as a percent and decimal
1 as a percent, decimal ,and fraction

23/100 23%

0.03 3%
0.325 32.5%
1/4 25%
0.6 60%
0.75 3/4
12.5% 0.125
100% 1.00 1/1

Thank you


To convert decimal numbers to fractions, follow these steps:

1. Identify the place value of the last digit after the decimal point.
2. Write the decimal number as a fraction with the digit after the decimal point as the numerator and the place value as the denominator.
3. Simplify the fraction if possible.

To convert fractions to decimal numbers, divide the numerator by the denominator.

To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply the decimal by 100.

To convert a percent to a decimal, divide the percent value by 100.

To convert a fraction to a percent, divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100.

Now, let's calculate the conversions for the given numbers:

1. 0.23 as a fraction and percent:
- Fraction: 0.23 can be written as 23/100, because the digit 3 is in the hundredths place.
- Percent: 0.23 is equivalent to 23%.

2. 3/100 as a decimal and percent:
- Decimal: Divide 3 by 100 to get 0.03.
- Percent: 3/100 is equivalent to 3%.

3. 32 1/2% as a decimal and fraction:
- Decimal: Divide 32.5 by 100 to get 0.325.
- Fraction: 32 1/2% is equivalent to 65/200 (simplified as 13/40).

4. 0.25 as a fraction and percent:
- Fraction: 0.25 can be written as 1/4, because the digit 5 is in the tenths place.
- Percent: 0.25 is equivalent to 25%.

5. 3/5 as a decimal and percent:
- Decimal: Divide 3 by 5 to get 0.6.
- Percent: 3/5 is equivalent to 60%.

6. 75% as a decimal and fraction:
- Decimal: Divide 75 by 100 to get 0.75.
- Fraction: 75% is equivalent to 3/4.

7. 1/8 as a percent and decimal:
- Percent: Divide 1 by 8 and multiply by 100 to get 12.5%.
- Decimal: Divide 1 by 8 to get 0.125.

8. 1 as a percent, decimal, and fraction:
- Percent: 1 is equivalent to 100%.
- Decimal: 1 is equivalent to 1.0.
- Fraction: 1 is equivalent to 1/1 (which is simplified as just 1).

Remember, these conversions can be done using the steps mentioned earlier to obtain accurate results.