Rank the following in terms of increasing first

ionization energy.
1. Na, Mg, N, O, F
2. F, N, O, Mg, N
3. F, O, N, Mg, Na
4. O, N, F, Na, Mg
5. Na, Mg, O, N, F


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You need the rules. Scroll down this link to ionization potential and read about the trend.

To rank the elements in terms of increasing first ionization energy, we need to understand what ionization energy is. Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in the gaseous state.

Generally, the trend for ionization energy is that it increases from left to right across a period in the periodic table, and it decreases from top to bottom within a group.

Let's analyze each option to determine the correct ranking:

1. Na, Mg, N, O, F:
As we move from left to right across the period, the ionization energy generally increases. So, the correct ranking is Na < Mg < N < O < F.

2. F, N, O, Mg, N:
This option appears to have a repetition of "N." Let's assume there's a typo and fix it:
The correct ranking, considering the trend, is F < O < N < Mg.

3. F, O, N, Mg, Na:
This option seems to be correct because it follows the trend of increasing ionization energy. Therefore, the correct ranking is F < O < N < Mg < Na.

4. O, N, F, Na, Mg:
This option reversed the order of F and N. According to the trend, N should have a higher ionization energy than O. Therefore, this ranking is incorrect.

5. Na, Mg, O, N, F:
This option also appears to be correct because it follows the trend from left to right. The correct ranking is Na < Mg < O < N < F.

Based on the analysis, the correct ranking in terms of increasing first ionization energy is:
3. F, O, N, Mg, Na